Sunday, February 21, 2016

Anniversary special!

Time flies really fast. It’s been 2 years since I am married to love of my life. Celebrating your relationship - whether it's 24 months or 25 years is always worth it. The best way is to create a memorable anniversary by doing something new and different. 

For my second anniversary I created a special setup for my love.
I took the years(2), months(24), weeks(104) and days(730) and created few notes for the gifts to say how I feel about him &us and he means the world to me.

A handmade anniversary card.
2 watches to mark all the good times to come.
24 favourite memories of ours that snapshot our 24 months together.
104 Smarties for being a smart ass.  
730 M&M’s for 730 sweet days with him.
Peanut box because even after 2 years I am still nuts about him.
Extra professional chewingum because I love him extra much.
Milkyway  because I am glad I  found him on this Milkyway.
Twix  – Just Twix  You+ME = We
Skitties because he colours my life with happiness.
Red bull because he gave wings to my dreams.
Mint because we are mint to be together.
Pen because he is just “write” for me.

All these little surprises did wonders and were totally worth doing. They not only made our day but also enhanced our love and bond. So just think back to the most significant memories you have right now with your spouse and imagine what new ones you can create. 

Just celebrate your relationship!